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June-July Prayer Letter

Plenteous redemption

June – July 2018

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. We greet you in his name and thank you so much for your prayer, your labor with us, and your sacrifice for the gospels sake

The month of June:


Candidate School in Harrison, TN 

Early on in June, we were greatly blessed by attending Year One Training at BIMI. It was exciting and edifying! We are blessed each time we visit BIMI by the wealth of veteran missionary knowledge. Kristin and myself received BIMI pins; we are excited to be BIMI missionaries. Our relationship with BIMI is valuable to us and necessary in our service to Jesus Christ in Uganda, Africa.

Lino Ardines Salvation

Please be in prayer for Lino. I had the wonderful privilege a few months ago to lead him to the Lord, at work. He approached me several times throughout the day for two weeks straight with questions. Lino has a mixed background, his mother is staunch Roman Catholic, his father is a Baptist. In our initial conversations Lino explained that he believed God was dealing with his heart. He was given clear presentations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ repeatedly, until he finally called upon the name of the Lord.

Pray for Lino, he needs encouragement to find a good church and he is eager to learn the word of God. He has a sweet spirit and is excited about the new creature he has become. It is our desire that he continue to move closer to his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Month of July:


Fourth of July Outreach

Together with our church, The Bible Baptist Church of Deland, we had a wonderful time together serving Jesus. As a church we were able to distribute several thousand tracts events. Along with tract distribution we participated in open air preaching to the masses and had several good conversations.

NASCAR Outreach

The weekend following the fourth of July outreach, we went as a church to the Daytona Speedway. While there, tracts were distributed and the crowd was meet with open air preaching. One great blessing of this outreach was that Lino came with us. This was his first opportunity to serve Jesus Christ in this capacity. It was a real eye opener for him as he was able to see this worlds response to the Lamb of God that came to pay for their sin.


As I wrap up Bible School, Kristin and I have been taking meetings as Churches have called us and asked us to come. We have been greatly blessed to have meetings scheduled for later this year and early next year. The Lord has greatly blessed us in our desire to serve him in Uganda. To the churches that have already taken us on for support, thank you so much for working with us as we labor to get to Uganda.

Thank you and God bless,

Thomas and Kristin Irvin

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