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John 12: The Hour Of The Travail Of The Lord’s Soul

Plenteous Redemption


Plenteous Redemption

John 12: The Hour Of The Travail Of The Lord’s Soul

The hour is come:

John 12:20-23 (KJV) And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus. And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

Certain men seek the Lord, but few that know the Lord bid the seekers come and see hour of the travail of the Lord’s soul that satisfied the Father and provides eternal salvation for them that trust in Jesus.

Less than six days before the Passover in Jerusalem, certain Greeks made their way to Philip in the hopes of seeing Jesus. This feast of the Passover was a large celebration that drew thousands of Jews, devout men and proselytes into Jerusalem to partake. Only this year, the talk of the town was one Jesus of Nazareth, who had just raised Lazarus from the dead. Acts 2:1-11 details the scope and magnitude of the crowds that poured into the holy city for the celebrations to come.

These certain Greeks came to Philip in the hopes of seeing Jesus. This is fitting since Philip was known for being a faithful witness. Moments after being introduced to Jesus he immediately went and told Nathaniel that he had met the Messiah and bid him “come and see” (John 1:43-44). Philip’s faithfulness did not end there, he was said to be a devout man full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom in Acts 6, thereby qualifying him to serve tables during gatherings. He also started a revival in Samaria and led an Ethiopian man to the Lord under the direction of the Holy Ghost in Acts 8. Philip provides a model of faithfulness that Christians should strive to attain. As a result, when these Greek men wanted to see Jesus, they understood that Philip was the person to see.

In John 12:23, the Lord declares that “the hour is come.” This phrase is repeated multiple times through the Four Gospels, always in reference to the Lord’s death but each context of its mention could easily provide us a different definition as to what this hour is exactly. Listen to the sermon above in order to learn more.

For Great Bible Teaching Please Visit:

James W Knox Sermon Audio

Brent Logan – Sermon Audio



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